Monday, August 31, 2009

The pointless art of FIGHTING

The pointless art of fighting. Why do we do it?? Are the consequences and after marths of fighting worth it?? The heartache and the heartbreak of loosing the one you love or the best friend who you shared even the most unimportant details with because it felt like the right thing to do at the time. have you ever noticed that the funny situation you and the person you fight with don't seem so funny anymore, they seem like a far off dream that you cant wait to close Ur eyes to be there again, like a time that will never come back again. If all this is what we get from fighting why do we do it?? Simple, we are human. I know how lame using the "because we are human" answer to everything but hear me out i have a point i swear. We have been fighting since the dark ages, since we first set foot on the vast piece of... dirt we cal earth. World Wars, civil wars, neighbour wars, they all happened or happen and even after so many years we are still to thick to realise just how pointless it is. I guess we fight because we are just to proud to realise that we can settle thing with each other without the violence of words or fists, we just don't get it, in the end what do we really win. In high school we get a bad rep. as a slutty whore who bullies anyone who tells her that she is wrong. In adults it isn't so dramatic but we can still get into lots of trouble weather it be with the law or other adults, sticky situation guys. Then we get to Countries, i mean seriously for me the first country i think of when i think of a country that's the bully is Korea i have no idea why but they just seem like a bunch of angry Asian midgets out to rule the world (you will thank me when u realise i warned u they ere sneaky bastards when they declare over all supremacy of the world :D). But you know I've gotten way off point here. The main point of me writing this is to get you thinking when u go to call a chick who said something behind you back who u r good friends with, or someone who just randomly pissed u off, is there really any point?? This person may seem like a bitch but come on, is it really worth everything that comes after. sometimes after isnt to bad, for u maybe but someone always gets it worse than the other. is it worth them hurting more then u. Maybe if we learn as a who rae to forgive and forget we could get rid of the NEWS!!! no more news because no more people dieing from people killing them the world be at peace. and lastly, when u fight with someone, god kills a kitten XP hehe kidding guyz kidding.

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